Ricevo Solutions
  • Ricevo Solutions - Innoviamo il settore immobiliare

    Innovating the real estate

    sector with an ethical and


    approach focusing

    on the market’s

    needs and respecting life

    and human beings.


    Based on these premises, we structured our own working method. That means, an innovative creation and development system based on effective processes and procedures that we have been testing for 20 years.

    Moreover, the continuous monitoring of insights, metrics and of our research and development activities, allowed us to improve all our products and services in each business unit, optimising also the efficiency of our internal processes.

    That is exactly why the holding company Ricevo S.r.l. enables us to make important decisions very quickly. In this way, we are always ready and flexible enough to seize opportunities created by changes in the market.

    Thanks to the coordinated work of its internal departments and the expertise of all its staff, Ricevo Solutions S.r.l. is able to analyse the market and develop its products and services really quick, as well as managing every business units through a highly efficient and measurable workflow.

    This concrete set-up defines a strong corporate solidity, capable of growing both its own business projects and those shared with our virtuous partners, generating results that represent important investment opportunities.

    Our services

    Real estate development

    We deal with real estate development operations in Friuli Venezia Giulia and in neighbouring regions.
    Practically, we design and create residential, tourist and office real estate solutions concerning various options. From the renovation of existing buildings to the demolition and reconstruction of new building complexes.


    Start-up and brand development

    We operate in the B2B and B2C market creating and developing services, activities and companies connected to real estate and related market, capable of meeting the customers’ needs.
    We are constantly collaborating with other entrepreneurs and investors, in order to co-create innovative projects and contribute to the growth of activities that already exist in the market, by sharing all the positive outcomes.